Hi, I'm Yonatan Gezahegn

I have over 4+ years of experience as a Full Stack Web Developer from Ethiopia, specializing in web application development.


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Recién llegado vs 5 años en Nueva Zelanda

Projects and work experience coming soon!

  • Next.js
  • Tailwind CSS
Projects and work experience coming soon!
Recién llegado vs 5 años en Nueva Zelanda

Projects and work experience coming soon!

  • Next.js
  • Tailwind CSS
Projects and work experience coming soon!

About Me

My name is Yonatan Gezahegn, but my friends call me Abiti. I started programming with Python when I was 21 years old. Currently, I am involved in various projects.

Some of my successes include collaborating with my friend on the Redat web app.

My goal is to address and improve the problems faced by Ethiopians.

Miguel Ángel